Is there a difference in Microsoft Office365Pro and the Office 2016ProPlus software installed on my University-owned computer?.There are separate versions for Microsoft Windows PC’s and Apple Macintosh OS X computers.
the Microsoft Office365ProPlus download is intended for PERSONALLY-OWNED machines.
Can I use Microsoft Office365 ProPlus Media on a Personally Owned PC/Windows or Apple Macintosh OS?. If you are no longer a Marshall University employee, but still have an active student status, you can also use access Office365ProPlus media as described below. In most cases you should use your access to Marshall’s Microsoft Office365 services to download the no-cost install media for your home/personal computer. You do not have to buy a license, but there is a nominal fee charged by the vendor to cover software distribution costs. If you are currently a Marshall faculty or staff member, you are eligible for ‘ Home Use Rights’ under our Microsoft Campus Agreement. Before you pay $9.95 to upgrade, please read the rest of this message below… If you no longer wish to receive these offers, see the Frequently Asked Questions section below on how to unsubscribe from these mailings. You are receiving these offer e-mails because of a previous purchase of Microsoft Office for your personal/home computer. These are often legitimate messages – see a recent example of one of these messages inserted into this post.
Several times a year, e-mail offers are sent out from the Microsoft Home Use Program advertising a $9.95 upgrade for Microsoft Office. Hopefully this article will help answer a number of those questions. The Marshall University IT team receives occasional questions from faculty and staff about the Microsoft Home Use Program (HUP for short).