
Makalah tentang ekonomi koperasi
Makalah tentang ekonomi koperasi

makalah tentang ekonomi koperasi

Konsep Ekonomi Kerakyatan dan Aplikasinya Pada Sektor Kehidupan, Makalah Seminar, UGM, Yogyakarta. National Conference Faculty of Business, Socio Entrepreneurship: Benefit Beyond Profit, Unika Surabaya. Priyo Dwiarso,2009.Santiaji Ketamansiswaan, Makalah Penyegaran Pamong UST Yogyakarta. Pola Kemitraan Pada Usaha Pertanian, Arena Almamater, Majalah Ilmiah Kopertis Wilayah V, Yogyakarta: Andi Offset Pemberdayaan UKM: Antara Mitos dan Realita, Makalah Seminar, UGM, Yogyakarta. Ekonomi dan Kemiskinan, Makalah Seminar,Pustep UGM, Yogyakarta. Pendidikan: Membudayakan, Memperdayakan, dan Mengembangkan atau membuayakan, UST bekerjasama dengan Kepel Press. Jangan Sumur Hidup Jadi Orang Gajian, Ed.2, Let Go Indonesia, Cirakas, Cibubur, Jakarta Buku Terjemahan, Ed.3, Yogyakarta : Erlanggaĭensi,Valentino, 2005. The following are statistic index : productivety 16,56%, economic rate of return 8.02%, businessmen 7.300 or 14,68%., jobless 8.105 or 16,30% and population amoun 49.711.Ĭase and Fair,2009. Discriptive statistic model we use on research problem, ratios as index productivety and economic rate of return to mesure businessment performent.

makalah tentang ekonomi koperasi

Research data are from small, midle and cooperative enterprise, who have business in various item. They are contribution on lobour obsorb and social safety net. Sample size are sixty  got from three subrigions in Piyungan as : Sitimulyo, Srimartani and Srimulyo, with stratified random sampling. Base on statistics 99.8% consist of its enterprise and 0,2 % is big enterprise. Indonesia have a great micro, small, midle and cooperatve enterprise. I want to known, what factors are influence in business and motivation their have. In generally productivity and economic rate of return are low, althought we are sustainable in business. Productivity and economic rate of return index are very importance to measure output and input on production process, and asset effectivness.

makalah tentang ekonomi koperasi

Abstract This research purpose to analize productivity and economic rate of return on small, midle and Cooperative enterprise in Piyung rigion.

Makalah tentang ekonomi koperasi